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Jeju Booyoung Hotel&Resort Integrated Membership

호텔예약 리조트예약

Terms & Conditions

1. Terms & Conditions

Chapter 1 General provisions

Article 1 (Objectives)

These terms and conditions of Jeju Booyoung Hotel & Resort ("Company") specify the definition of the basic matters on the use conditions and procedure of the Internet service provided by Jeju Booyoung Hotel & Resort.

Article 2 (Effect and change)

  • ① The Terms and Conditions take effective when they are notified to the members via service, email or other manners.
  • ② The Company may change the contents of the Terms and Conditions. The change in the Terms and Conditions take effective when they are notified or informed to the users as described in 1 above.

Article 3 (Other rules)

If the matters not specified in the Terms and Conditions are described in FRAMEWORK ACT ON BROADCASTING COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT, TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS ACT and other related laws, those provisions may apply.

Article 4 (Definitions)

The terms used in the Terms and Conditions have the following definitions.

  • ① Member: is a person who makes an agreement of use with the Company or is granted with the user's ID in order to get the service.
  • ② ID: is the combination of letters and numbers which the member designates and the Company approves for the purpose of identification of member and the use of service.
  • ③ Password: is the combination of letters and numbers as designated by the members to prove that the member is the one who has the granted ID.
  • ④ Termination: means the ending of the user agreement by the Company or the member after the use service is opened.

Chapter 2 Service use agreement

Article 5 (Establishment of use agreement)

  • ① If a member clicks on "Agree" to the question of "Do you agree on the Terms and Conditions of Use?", he/she is considered to have agreed on these Terms and Conditions.
  • ② The agreement on use is executed if the applicant agrees on the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Company approves it.

Article 6 (Application for use)

  • ① The member is recommended to fill out the form for membership to take advantage of the service.
  • ② All user's information filled out in the membership form would be considered as the actual data. The user who does not enter the real name or actual information would not be legally protected and the service may be restricted.

Article 7 (Approval of the application for use)

  • In the following cases, the Company may suspend the approval of the request until the cause of suspension is removed.
    1. a. There is no equipment enough for the service.
    2. b. There are any technical problems.
    3. c. The suspension is considered necessary by the Company.
  • ② The Company may not approve the request in the following cases.
    1. a. The application is made in the name of other person.
    2. b. The faulty user's information is filled in the application form.
    3. c. The application is made for the purpose of damaging the community's security or order or good traditional values.
    4. d. The requirements specified by the Company are not met.

Article 8 (Change in the user's information)

If there is a change in the user's information, the member shall correct it on the web. Any responsibility arising from the non correction of the information would be borne by the user.

Chapter 3 Obligations by parties to the agreement

Article 9 (Company's obligations)

  • ① The Company shall not disclose or distribute the member's personal information related to the provision of the service without the prior consent of the user except one of the followings.
    1. a. if there is the request for the disclosure by the national authority according to the related laws including the FRAMEWORK ACT ON BROADCASTING COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT.
    2. b. if there is any need of the criminal investigation or is a request by Information and Communication Ethics Committee.
    3. c. If there is any request according to the procedure specified in the related laws.
  • ② Within the scope specified in 1 above, the Company may make use of the whole or a part of the personal information related to the work to prepare a statistical data and transmit the member's computer cookies through the service. In this case, the member may change the setting of the compute browser so that it can reject or warn the receipt of the cookies.

Article 10 (Member's obligations)

  • ① The member shall not act the followings in using the service.
    1. a. The member shall not illegally take advantage of other member's ID.
    2. b. The member shall not copy, change, publish or use in broadcasting the information obtained from the service for purpose other than the personal use without the prior consent of the company.
    3. c. The member shall not infringe the Company's copyright or other person's copyright or other rights.
    4. d. The member shall not distribute the information, letter or figure which violates the public order or good tradition to other people.
    5. e. The member shall not act in a way that it can be considered to have been objectively connected to the crime.
    6. f. The member shall not default the related laws.
  • ② The member shall comply with the matters specified in the Terms and Conditions, guide on the use of service and other cautions.
  • ③ The member shall comply with the notices which the Company posted for each item or the restriction imposed by the Company on the service
  • ④ The member shall not use the Service for the commercial purpose without the prior consent of the company.

Chapter 4 Provision and use of service

Article 11 (Member's obligations on the control of his/her ID and password

The member has to control his/her own ID and password. All the responsibilities arising from the loose control of ID and password, and irregular use of them shall be borne by members. When the member finds out any case of his/her own ID illegally used or there is any other security default, the member shall notify it to the company.

Article 12 (Provision of information)

The company may provide the members with the various information which is considered necessary for the member's use of the service via email or normal mail. If the member does not want to get it, it may reject the notice by changing the menu of the application for membership and the member's information

Article 13 (Posting by members)

The Company is not liable anybody for the publication, posting, email or any contents transmitted through the service. If the contents fall on one of the following, the company may delete them without the prior notice.

  • ① When the member criticizes the other members or others, inhibits the privacy of others and damages the reputation of others.
  • ② When there is the fear of the stable operation of service being inhibited.
  • ③ When there is the content which is considered to have been related to any criminal act.
  • ④ If there is the content inhibiting the company's or other person's intellectual property rights or others.
  • ⑤ If the period of posting specified by the company is exceeded, or
  • ⑥ if the related laws are considered to have been violated.

Article 14 (Rights and obligations of the posting)

All rights and obligations over the posting including the copyright shall be taken by the member who post them.

Article 15 (Contents of email)

  • ① The company does not edit or inspect the contents of the member's email.
  • ② Every member has responsibility for the contents in his/her email.
  • ③ The member shall not send to the people the email which has the sexual contents, junk mail, spam mail or others which would damage others or the good tradition.
  • ④ The member has to have all responsibilities for sending the contents having sexual contents or bad contents according to Article 53 of Electric and Communication Act, Article 16 of Enforcement Rule of Electric and Communication Business Act (Bad communication) and Article 53, Paragraph 3 of Telecommunication Business Act and indemnify the company from any responsibilities.
  • ⑤ The ID and email of the member who damages the others or inhibits the good tradition using this service would not be protected.

Article 16 (Time of service)

  • ① You can use the service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year unless there is any operation or technical problem or special event. Provided that if there needs the check of equipment or any force majeure event such as problem in the failure of equipment or excessive use of service, some or the whole of the service may be restricted.
  • ② The company may designate the time for the service among those provided by the company. In this case, it shall be notified to the members before.

Article 17 (Responsibility for using the service)

The member shall not use the service in order to sell the illegal products nor conduct the hacking, advertising, and commercial act through the sexual site or illegally distribute the commercial software. Any default by the member and the resulting loss in the operation or the actions made by the related authority shall be borne by the defaulting member and the company is to be indemnified.

Article 18 (Restriction and suspension of service)

The company may restrict or suspend the whole or a part of the service if there happens the war, riot, natural disaster or similar national energy or there is the force majeure event by which the telecommunication company is forced to stop the service according to the Electric and Telecommunication Business Act. When the use of service is restricted or suspended due to 1 above, the company shall notify the cause and period of restriction to the members immediately.

Chapter 5 Others

Article 19 (Termination and restriction of use)

  • ① If a member wants to terminate the use agreement, it shall ask the company to terminate the agreement.
  • ② The company may terminate the use agreement or suspend the service within a specified period without the prior notice if one of the following happens.
    1. a. The member steals the other's service ID and password.
    2. b. The member intentionally inhibits the operation of service.
    3. c. The member discloses the contents which would inhibit the public order or good tradition to other people intentionally.
    4. d. The member plans or use the service with a goal of inhibiting the national interest and social interest.
    5. e. The member damages the other's prestige or makes others suffer.
    6. f. The member transmits a lot of information of advertising information with a goal of inhibiting the service's social operation.
    7. g. The member distributes the computer virus program which causes the mishandling of the communication equipment or destroys the information.
    8. h. The member infringes the intellectual property rights owned by the company, other member or others.
    9. i. if there is the request for correction from the outside entity such as Information and Communication Ethics Committee or is the authorized interpretation of the Election Control Committee related to the illegal election movement.
    10. j. If the other person's personal information, user's ID or password is illegally used
    11. k. The information acquired from the use of the company's service information is copied, distributed or commercially used without the prior consent of the company.
    12. l. The member posts the obscene materials on the website or bulletin board of his/her won or post the link to sexual contents.
    13. m. The member defaults the terms and conditions of the Company and other related laws.

Article 20 (Damages)

The company is not liable to anybody for the damages inflicted to the member arising from the use of service while the service is free of charge.

Article 21 (Indemnification)

  • ① The company is not liable to the members when it cannot provide the members with the service due to the natural disaster or similar force majeure.
  • ② The company is not liable to the members if there is the problem in the use of the service due to the causes attributable to the member.
  • ③ The company is not liable to the members if the member does not get the expected profit from the service or there is the damage caused by the selection or use of service data.
  • ④ The company is not liable to anybody for the reliability or accurateness of the information, data or fact published on the service.

Article 22 (Jurisdiction)

If there is any lawsuit filed on the dispute specified in the Terms and Conditions, it shall be brought to the court having jurisdiction over the location of head office of the Company.

[Additional provisons]

(Enforcement date) These terms and conditions take effective on July 1, 2015.

Email Collecting Prohibition


The email address posted on this website is a reminder Please note that you will not be collected without permission and will be punished by the Information and Communications Network Act if you violate this law.